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This Blog is dedicated to making public some of the business activities and methods of Liam Collins, David Bone Jr and their associates. In the spring of 2010, the present authors invested in Collins & Bone (C&B), who were offering an enticing 8-10% interest on the basis of buying houses for cash, renovating them and letting them out to students. We were assured that our money was secured against houses that they owned, including their own homes and the properties held by their associated company, Castle & Gatehouse (C&G). We have emails and brochures that confirm these details, as do others who invested on this same basis at around the same time. The idea worked for us for over a year, then in November 2011 they told us they were insolvent. They refused our every request for clear accounts, which led us to suspect wrongdoing. We began an investigation and then started this Blog. We found our suspicions confirmed: other investors had lost sometimes quite large amounts to C&B and its predecessor CBS, and all requests for repayment were adamantly refused. These people use and have used so many names that we found it necessary to compress them into CoBo (for Collins & Bone) and Coboco (for the whole bunch of them – there are quite a few!) Note that there is an index in the margin at the right hand side.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


For those readers who are as keen as we are to bring Collins to justice, here is some relatively new information about his movements. He has spent a lot of time recently training for athletics events. He hoped to win the 60 metre hurdles at the World Masters Championship in Budapest last month. 

In an interview last year, he said: “My next challenge is to make the Olympic Team for Sochi 2014. Failing that I will try and win the Masters M35 60m Hurdles in Budapest in March.” Collins was not part  of the Winter Olympics team (let us know if you sighted him in Sochi!) and he reached 5th place in the hurdles race in Budapest on 29th March:

He has a lot of psychic baggage to carry around these days, which will clearly impact on his attempts to win in athletics or succeed in any other sphere. He has so far shown no remorse about the devastation and misery caused by his deceit and swindling.

The investigation into Collins and his background of massive fraud is very much ongoing, but we are currently restricted by a confidentiality agreement—which is why this Blog has seemed to be inactive for a while.