Liam Collins (and David Bone Jr) complained to Google about the content of this Blog. They were able to do so because of a recent judgement by the European Court of Human Rights which allows individuals a so-called 'Right To Be Forgotten.' For more about this, see today's article in the Huffington Post:
And also this one from the Daily Telegraph:
And in the Daily Mail:
Which headlines today (5th July 2014):
"Conspiracy to erase the truth: For centuries, the wicked have dreamt of wiping their crimes from history. Now - thanks to an idiotic ruling by European judges and Google's connivance - they're doing it in their thousands."
And also this one from the Daily Telegraph:
And in the Daily Mail:
Which headlines today (5th July 2014):
"Conspiracy to erase the truth: For centuries, the wicked have dreamt of wiping their crimes from history. Now - thanks to an idiotic ruling by European judges and Google's connivance - they're doing it in their thousands."
Yes, we think that this is a silly, if not dangerous judgement, given that one of the strongest features of the Internet is the freedom of information and ease of access to it. Certainly the British Government does not think that Collins & Bone, who brazenly cheated people out of sums totalling £4 million, should be forgotten; they still have another 13 years to run of a Bankruptcy Restriction Undertaking, but have not yet been properly brought to book.
We have written to Google to contest their reasoning, but as they reportedly have rising numbers of cases of this kind to deal with, we'd be surprised if we received a reply. Perhaps, because of the sheer volume of conceptual traffic that it deals with and its consequent ballooning self-importance, Google will eventually be taken over as a government department, hopefully with a new, less ridiculous name! Furthermore, the European Union, together with its Court of Human Rights, needs to be thoroughly overhauled so that it cannot dominate the whole of Europe with its often eccentric ideas.
To view the original posts about Collins & Bone, use the following link:-